Demo Racquet Program
For every tennis and pickleball racquet, we stock we carry a demo racquet program for players in Suffolk county to rent and try out before purchasing. This is an integral part to any players’ purchase to be certain they have really selected the best option for themselves.
Our expertise is directing you quickly to a short list of options where you rotate through, come back with feedback, and through your shared experience and our knowledge we will get you to a very satisfied place on the court!
The cost is $5 per racquet and you have it for one week. You can take as many as three racquets at any given time. If you make a purchase ALL DEMO FEES up to $20 (4 rentals) go towards the cost of the racquet.
Late fees will start to accrue on the 8th day at $5 per day per racquet out. This is not our goal. We want to avoid this at all costs. This is about keeping racquets available for all patrons as scheduled as possible and you will receive reminders to return. It is always best to call us when you know there will be a late return. We appreciate you helping make this process work.

Unreturned racquets, once every opportunity for a return is exhausted and no effort or communication is made by the customer, will be subject to be charged the full new retail price of the demo racquet to the credit card on file.
Watch out on our website or social media for postings around local demo racquet days or set up a private demo day at your home court or local public courts
There are different options and costs, but the goal is to have you hit with at least 10 demo racquets for players in a one to two-hour session, with me on site for advice and feedback assisting you, the ball machine, or myself as a hitting partner (not a lesson), and the cost is still negated by the same, up to $20 discount (4 rentals), depending on the cost of your demo session. For example, if your demo session was $15 to participate, your credit towards a racquet purchase would be $15.
Come in, call me, or send me an email and we can figure out the best option for you and likely your group to accomplish the best hitting session possible.